Monteverdi: Si come crescon
Io son fenice e voi sete la fiamma
from Canzonette (1584)
Anna Pool: Three Medieval Miniatures
Alexander Campkin: I Saw Eternity
Howard Skempton: To Life
The Spirit of Earth
To The World
from five poems of Mary Webb
Poulenc: Ave verum corpus
James Garner: Commission: Five Miniatures for Soprano, Soprano and Alto
The Richmond Concert Society is proud to continue an annual event which allows subscribers to be involved in the creation of new music.
Students at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (GSMD) will be invited to submit compositions to a reviewing panel. The chosen composer will then be commissioned to write a new piece, especially for the Richmond Concert Society, to be performed by an ensemble of GSMD postgraduate fellows.
The ensemble will perform a short concert after the AGM, in which the new composition will be featured along with established repertoire.
We hope to continue this as an annual event, making the Richmond Concert Society an integral part of the creation of tomorrow’s music and the discovery of tomorrow’s talent.
This initiative has been made possible by a bequest from Mary Ryan. The winning composer will receive the Mary Ryan Richmond Concert Society Composition Award, bringing with it not only a financial incentive but, perhaps more importantly, a performance before an appreciative and enthusiastic audience.